


Put it to Work

Learn how to make money work better for you


Find and save more money by re-evaluating expenses


Understand investments and build wealth


Protect and preserve your money


Learn the habits of successful people

A Lack Of Education

North Americans are facing serious financial challenges. In Canada, 35% of Canadians do not have any savings or investments. In the U.S., 33% of Americans don’t pay their bills on time.
It’s ironic that we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but we always have money problems. We can work hard all our lives but retire poor. We don’t have much, and we don’t know much. Nobody teaches us how to manage our money in school. Financial issues are not often discussed and financial products not always explained.

According To Recent Surveys

In the U.S.:
More than 77 million Americans don’t pay their bills on time.
39% carry credit card debt from month to month.
Only 59% of adults say they have savings.

In Canada:
35% of Canadians do not have any savings or investments.
Only 27% of private sector workers have an employer-funded pension plan
The average savings in Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) is only $55,000.


How much does it cost to attend our workshops? Nothing.

Yes. We believe so much in educating, understanding and empowering families, that we are CURRENTLY offering our Financial Workshops completely complimentary. No catch. We’re positive that you and your family will benefit from our workshops and financial professionals. Your friends and co-workers will too. It’s just part of our mission and commitment to helping families save their future.
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